We power the future of energy

At Elia Group we are continuously exploring innovations to tackle the challenges of the fast-changing energy landscape

The evolution towards a consumer-centric and sustainable energy system means we have to introduce state-of-the-art technologies into our processes and ways of working. We lead the way by collaborating and testing new technologies, to reach the grid of the future.

Our mission: Create a more affordable, sustainable and reliable energy supply.

The Innovation domains

The Moonshots

To ensure the energy transition is a success, we optimize our tools, activities and assets constantly. Elia Group is focusing on five key objectives to accelerate this innovation process. Over a period of some years, the Innovation team, alongside core business experts, will explore, test and refine each of these under real conditions.

We call these projects Moonshots, because we’re not looking for quick wins - we’re dedicated, visionary and ambitious, and believe in what we aim to achieve in the five key areas.

Our Moonshot principles are:

  • Idealistic: Solve the biggest challenges of our field
  • Hard: Requires significant breakthroughs or changes
  • Demonstrator: Measurable goals within a compressed timeframe
  • Visionary: Going beyond the business as usual, while strengthening the core
  • Together: Rely on the best capabilities internally and in our ecosystem

Read more about the moonshots

Become a part of our partner ecosystem


We do not innovate alone, rather we firmly believe in the power of cooperation. Therefore, we work with our partners, across the energy sector and beyond, to drive the energy transition forward, seeking innovative solutions everywhere.

More info about our partners

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Turning challenges into opportunities!

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