Infrastructure and Asset Management
At Elia Group we explore new ways to improve the existing grid and develop innovative solutions to build the grid of the future. We work on implementation of technologies such as drones, satellites, artificial intelligence, robots, and many others.
The grid of the future
As a result of decentralization, renewable energy integration and growing interconnection and electrification we see rising demand for our infrastructure. It impacts the way we build, maintain and dispose of all the physical grid elements that are required to keep the electricity flowing.
On the one hand, the existing grid must be used to its maximum. New technologies and innovative solutions make it possible to increase asset capacity, reduce risks, increase efficiency and reliability without negative environmental impact.
At the same time, it is crucial to deliver the grid of the future in upcoming decades. It is our role to deliver the infrastructure at the most efficient cost and within the necessary timeframe, while clearly communicating the overall long-term benefits for society.
Whether we are integrating new technologies for automated and connected assets, changing organizational processes, or researching new building materials, we are constantly looking for additional value. We actively cooperate and exchange expertise with start-ups, cross-industry partners and research organizations.
Our projects

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30 January 2025
Consumer Centricity Moonshot Successfully Landed
The project enables cross-border Electric Vehicles (EV) charging using home-generated solar energy through innovative energy transfer initiatives. -
15 January 2025
Revolutionizing concrete pole maintenance
The GridWrap project is an innovative solution that extends the life of our existing infrastructure and enhances its resilience, all without any downtime. -
18 December 2024
Smart technology to assess the expected end of life of overhead lines conductors
The project aims to enable earlier prediction and intervention before failures occur by using Aeolian vibration sensing to detect aging that is invisible to the naked eye. -
16 December 2024
INPOWEL: EMT models for grid forming assets
Developing EMT and RTDS models for BESS and E-STATCOM in GFL and GFM modes of operation. -
22 November 2024
Predico: collaborative forecasting platform
Information on this page is a subject to further studies and analysis
A platform designed to enhance forecasting accuracy and efficiency in the energy industry by introducing a multilateral, collaborative market for renewable energy forecasts.
20 November 2024
INtegration of POWer ELectronics
The INPOWEL project focuses on modeling, performance and limitation analysis of various grid-forming assets, their interactions and required mitigation measures -
05 November 2024
Subsea Pinpointing
The Pinpointing project enhances offshore cable fault detection, reducing downtimes and losses with advanced technologies in marine surveying and fault location. -
21 October 2024
Control Room X-Lab
To explore and harness new technologies we have created the X-Lab. Here, we demonstrate, test and evaluate our future ways of working in system operations. -
19 September 2024
OptOmni: towards a holistic grid optimizer
The project OptOmni aims to join two grid control problems which are currently treated separately: Voltage Control and Congestion Management. -
19 September 2024
ToOp: Topology Optimization for Congestion management
Our goal is to find topological actions that solve congestion problems and lower the redispatch volume in the grid by using a GPU native approach. -
23 April 2024
Pylon unbending
Advancing pylon repair methods: an efficient, economical, and safe solution for uninterrupted power supply -
16 November 2023
SSI in the Energy sector: A study
Decentralized assets like EVs and flexible devices transform the energy landscape, offering grid flexibility. Secure grid interaction is of key importance. -
20 October 2023
Reducing the software digital footprint via granular green power certificates
Joint study to explore how effectively data centres could adjust their energy use according to the availability of renewable energy in the power grid. -
12 October 2023
Revolutionizing Overhead Line Incident Response: Introducing Drone-in-a-Box (DiaB)
Drone-in-a-Box (DiaB) is a new emerging technology: a drone, housed and charged in a remote docking station, ready to take off on a request and operate Beyond-Visual-Line-Of-Sight (BVLOS). -
31 May 2023
VoltControl: Bringing decision support into the control rooms
The goal of Voltcontrol tool is to understand and anticipate the foreseeable future, and propose different actions, to reach an optimal voltage plan of the high voltage grid. -
28 January 2023
R2 Wind: Exploring wind farm's contribution to balancing
RES will need to participate in all balancing reserves markets. This pilot project investigated the technical capability of wind farms to regulate their power infeed in real-time to balance the active power in the grid (in collaboration with Eneco, WindVision and Enercon). -
27 January 2023
Distributed Flexibility
Elia needs to find alternative sources of flexibility from installations connected to distribution systems in order to ensure grid security in the most cost efficient way. -
26 January 2023
How to improve public acceptance of our infrastructure (OIC 2017)
In 2016, Elia first organised the Start-Up/Open Innovation Challenge in order to identify start-ups that are proposing tools to enhance public acceptance of infrastructure projects. The contest was won by Gilytics, a Zurich-based start-up. -
24 January 2023
3D printing spare parts
Starting with logistics and spare parts management, Elia is exploring the use of 3D printing throughout the company. -
23 January 2023
Local Inertia
The de-commissioning of nuclear power plants (and more generally, all types of conventional thermal power plants) is decreasing the inertia of the Belgian power system. -
22 January 2023
Fast grid topology reconfiguration
Today only highly experienced system operators, backed by trial-and-error simulations, can perform fast topology reconfigurations. However, mainly based on what is known to work, potentially better actions are left untested. -
21 January 2023
Synapse: innovative operational planning enabled by Advanced Analytics
Building tomorrow’s infrastructure and maintaining Elia’s grid and its equipment is crucial to guarantee the security of electricity supply for several million consumers. -
20 January 2023
Simplify – Advanced Machine Learning to support balancing the system
Keeping the balance in the grid is essential: the injection of power must always be equal to the consumption to keep the frequency at 50Hz. Due to the increasing penetration of limitedly predictable renewable energy, balancing the system could become increasingly challenging. -
19 January 2023
Improve forecasting of electricity production and consumption (OIC 2018)
In 2018, after a successful first edition that resulted in a tool that is currently used to improve our public acceptance, Elia Group launched its second Open Innovation Challenge for startups. -
18 January 2023
Using electric vehicles to balance the network
Recent predictions of electric vehicle (EV) uptake state that by 2030, 1.2 million EVs will be in use in Belgium. If managed incorrectly, these new types of consumption can put a significant pressure on the grid, for instance by increasing the evening peak load. -
17 January 2023
Sensa – Define your comfort level, we take care of the rest
Sensa project has been designed and shaped in the context of the IO.Energy Ecosystem. -
16 January 2023
Acoustic sensors to monitor critical assets (OIC 2019)
The NEMO Link converter station connects the electricity system of Belgium and Great Britain via subsea cables. -
14 January 2023
Open data
The Opendata initiative started with simple goals: demystify the concept and understand the underlying advantage of exposing our data freely. -
13 January 2023
Market integration of electric vehicles using blockchain technology
Electric vehicles (EV) are the fastest growing decentralized energy resources (DER). -
12 January 2023
Osmose: improving flexibility integration
As renewable energy uptake is accelerating, access to flexibility is becoming a key requirement to make the energy transition possible. -
10 January 2023
DARE – Dynamic daily dimensioning of reserve needs
To keep the frequency at 50 Hz, the Elia Group needs to dispose of balancing services, which is also referred to as reserve capacity or frequency restoration reserve (FRR). -
09 January 2023
Predictive Asset Management to avoid incidents with energy not supplied on aged asset systems
Older grid parts with assets are forced to extend their lifetime due to the reality of capex and workload arbitrage. -
08 January 2023
Forecasting deterministic frequency deviations using artificial intelligence
European electricity production and shifts in demand undergo periodic schedule changes according to market clearance on an hourly basis. -
07 January 2023
SAFIR | U-space drone demonstrations
The SAFIR consortium, a group of 13 public and private organisations, has been selected by Single European Sky ATM Research Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU) to demonstrate integrated Drone Traffic Management for a broad range of drone operations in Belgium. -
06 January 2023
Using Artificial Intelligence to reduce the cost of transmission losses
An artificial neural network allows 50Hertz now to calculate the estimated grid losses for the next day. -
05 January 2023
Digital monitoring of SCOF cables
The SCOF Monitoring Project arose from the need to more efficiently address leaks coming from Elia’s underground self-contained oil-filled (SCOF) cables. -
04 January 2023
Machine learning to optimize the success rate of offshore maintenance voyages
Elia is responsible for managing the MOG OSY platform, which transmits power from 4 offshore windfarms totaling 1 GW of capacity. -
28 December 2022
Unmanned Surface Vehicles and offshore O&M activities
First test of USV to inspect offshore transmission assets 40 km off the Belgium coast in the North Sea -
25 December 2022
Quantum Computing in System Operation
Elia Group explored the capabilities and limitations of quantum solvers in a proof of concept to solve a complex optimization problem in system operation, measuring the accuracy and runtime of quantum solvers against classical ones. -
16 December 2022
ReBeam protocol allows EV drivers to choose their energy retailer at public charging stations
The electrification of the mobility sector is one of the most important milestones we need to reach on the road to climate neutrality. To ensure it is successful, a large number of electric vehicles (EVs) and charging processes must be integrated into the energy system. -
14 December 2022
From conventional to digital power line inspections: using autonomous drones and AI
Using Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) drones and robots to improve asset inspections. -
14 December 2022
IEC61850 Engineering Process Common Vision
The Engineering Process Common Vision provides users with a shared view of IEC61850 engineering from the perspective of a number of different organisations. It provides stakeholders with a strong signal as a more flexible, efficient and standardised engineering process is adopted. -
05 December 2022
Hyperspectral camera for condition assessment of painted metallic towers
Metallic towers, one of the main components of overhead lines, rust over time. This project aims to find out whether there is any technology out there that can detect rust behind the painting in a non-destructive way? -
01 December 2022
Robots for autonomous inspection of HVDC Converter Halls
The robots will allow for frequent automated inspections whilst removing the need to interrupt electricity supply, lowering risks of undiscovered defects, and unplanned outages. -
3D model of Princess Elisabeth Island
We are proud to unveil our 3D model of the groundbreaking offshore infrastructure project, Princess Elisabeth Island - the world’s first artificial energy island that combines both direct current (HVDC) and alternating current (HVAC). -
Digital identity application adopted by OpenWallet Foundation
Together, Elia Group and Energy Web have developed digital identity application which can securely transfer identity information and be easily integrated into digital wallet technology.