25 October 2024

Accelerating speed from Research to (System) Operations

Elia Group Open Research Challenge in collaboration with Energinet.

Who are we?

Elia Group

Elia Group owns two transmission system operators (TSOs): Elia Transmission Belgium (ETB) and 50Hertz in the north and east of Germany. Together, ETB and 50Hertz own and operate their high-voltage grids, ensuring that the production and consumption of electricity are balanced around the clock, and supplying 30 million end users with electricity.


Energinet is an independent public enterprise owned by the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities. We own and develop the backbone of the Danish electricity and gas supply: the large high-voltage power lines and gas pipelines that deliver electricity and gas to the energy providers.
As TSOs, we act in the interests of society by providing it with a robust power grid and driving the energy transition: we are working on establishing a reliable, sustainable and affordable energy system.

Why do we launch the Research Challenge?

The growing challenges in system operations, including monitoring, control, data management, forecasting, and grid analysis (such as accelerated load flow calculations), demand a faster and more agile approach to collaboration with research institutions.

We want to shorten the time from R&D to operational implementation. To do this, we propose a new agile and dynamic way of cooperation between TSOs and researchers. 

Focus areas and research questions 

The five priority areas for the Elia Group Open Research Challenge are: 

  • 1. Monitoring

    1.a How to design predictive analytics and ML to enable proactive alarm management?

    1.b. How to design a power system simulator and the corresponding communication interface to effectively test key functionalities (end-to-end) of a modular control system?

  • 2. Control
    2.a How do we integrate impedance frequency scans into system operations?
  • 3. Data
    3.a How to aggregate and estimate distribution systems for dynamic security assessments? 
  • 4. Grid Analysis

    4.a How can we speed up the solution of large batches of similar loadflow computations? 

    4.b How can we in Modelica express and design a simplified model representation from a black box model (dll) given an interface and an accepted error tolerance?  

  • 5. Grid Forecasting

    5.a How would you create an incompressibility & adequacy risk indicator for system operations? 

    5.b How to use uncertainties in weather forecasts to predict uncertainties in AC load flow calculations?

More info in RFP documentation

What do I need to apply?

To apply for the Challenge you need to provide a power point presentation with maximum 10 slides presenting: 

  • Who
    Clear description of expertise (past and current work) of the institution and researcher/experts that will work on the challenge. If relevant, presence and knowledge of the Belgian, German and Danish or more general the European grid. If relevant a link to a list of references of industrial projects related to the topics of this request 
  • Why
    The motivation to participate in the research challenge (max. 800 words). 
  • What
    • High level plan/roadmap with expected milestones and potential final results. 
    • Organization of resources in form of a project organization structure / organigram with a project manager / team lead/ Researcher / Other 
    • A financial offer: Fixed rates related to roles and estimated workload in work days.  
  • How
    • Proposal of how to address the research question within 12-15 months including necessary information needed from the TSO  
    • Description of how work can contribute to the objectives and provide deliverables. This will include a description of the internal expertise/resources available (laboratories, spin-off, PhD, …) and external partnerships if needed. 
  • Other
    Further relevant information  

What is the benefit for you

  • Working with a TSOs on control center applications on challenges with the goal to go from R&D to operations
  • Support from experts
  • Budget

You will also need to share the CV’s of the team/researcher who will work on the challenge. Optionally, you can add further documentation and a 3-minute video introduction.


If you have questions, contact Innovation team by sending an email to innovation@eliagroup.eu

Key facts

Who can participate?

Research institutions with proven expertise in power systems and IT 


Registration deadline

5 January 2025 

Challenge Process

  • Phase 0: Launch of challenge (November 2025 to March 2025)
  • Phase 1: Initial research  (March 2025 – May 2025)
  • Phase 2: Further research and set-up of testing (June 2025 – Augustus 2025)
  • Phase 3: Testing 1 (Augustus 2025 – October 2025)
  • Phase 4: Testing 2 (October 2025 – January 2026)
  • Phase 5: Presentation, conclusions and potential way forward (January 2026 – March 2026)

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