14 December 2022

IEC61850 Engineering Process Common Vision

The Engineering Process Common Vision provides users with a shared view of IEC61850 engineering from the perspective of a number of different organisations. It provides stakeholders with a strong signal as a more flexible, efficient and standardised engineering process is adopted.

Why this project

The common vision aims to become an industry-supported and standardised top-down engineering solution that removes private user- or vendor-specific engineering solutions, enabled through TR IEC61850-90-30 and TR IEC61850-7-6 ed2.

A number of leading organisations share this vision, as exemplified by the logos which are visible at the bottom of the statement. Their purpose is to encourage the development of required products (including new tools for specification, configuration, testing and simulation), avoiding the need for costly and time-consuming custom developments.

Click the ‘Full screen’ button on the bottom right of the image to see a bigger image, or click the following link: IEC61850 Engineering Process Common Vision

In 2023, Elia partnered with industry leading players, including Condis, Helinks, Siemens, and Triangle MicroWorks, to demonstrate and proof the top-down process and show it's potential to the market. During this project a real Elia protection concept was developed, implemented and validated using the top-down engineering solution, supported by tool prototypes of the different partners.

Want to know more about this project? In December 2023, Elia together with the partners presented project results in a joint webinar. During this webinar, the design of a real digital substation system was demonstrated using tool prototypes from Helinks(STS), Triangle MicroWorks (Distributed Test Manager) and Siemens (DIGSI 5).

Please watch the Webinar - IEC 61850 Engineering Process Common Vision

Bart Carton
Bart Carton
Virtual & Power Electronics

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